US Drone Strikes Kill More Civilians In Yemen

Most ‘Suspects’ But Some Confirmed Civilian Deaths

At Least 55 Killed in Two Days of US Drone Strikes in Yemen

By Jason Ditz
Antiwar: April 20, 2014

Yesterday’s deadly US drone strike against a highway in Yemen’s Bayda Province was followed up by a similar round of separate strikes in the Shabwa Province today, sending the death tolls over the past 48 hours spiraling.

After yesterday’s attack, which killed 21, reports of today’s strikes are still murky, but at least 34 more were killed, sending the figure to 55, and likely to rise even further as the figures continue to come in from remote areas.


While today’s victims remain a mystery, a number of civilian bystanders were confirmed killed in yesterday’s attack, which targeted a truckload of “suspects” and destroyed some nearby cars.

(read the full article at Antiwar)

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