Facebook will provide advertisers with data on your visits to external websites

RT: June 12, 2014

Facebook is to start providing advertisers with more user data, drawing from browsing habits and external websites visited, in addition to their current ‘likes.’ This will be the first time that Facebook has used information from outside the network.

The company announced the change early on Thursday, saying the move is aimed at targeting individual users more efficiently.

“If you live in the US, you’ll be able to use ad preferences in the next few weeks, and we are working hard to expand globally in the coming months,” Facebook stated in a blog post on Thursday.

However, the move has sparked concern among privacy advocates and will likely ignite further criticism about its respect – or lack thereof – of users’ personal data.

“Facebook is continuing on a campaign to push the data envelope, raising troubling privacy and consumer-protection concerns,” Jeffrey Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, told The Wall Street Journal.

(read the full article at RT)

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