Marc Emery Asks Public To Help Imprisoned Drug War POWs

By Marc Emery
Cannabis Culture: May 5, 2014

Dear Friends in the United States,

The US Sentencing Commission has just made a drug sentence amendment referred to as “Drugs Minus 2” that lowers the sentencing guidelines by 2 points, which, for newly sentenced drug offenders, will reduce their sentence by, on average, eleven months, effective on November 1, 2014.

What this amendment doesn’t do is apply retroactively to all currently incarcerated non-violent US drug war prisoners. I need your help in trying to change that.

As you may be aware, US federal penalties for drug offenses are among the most severe and unforgiving in the world. What I need my American friends to do is send a letter to the US SENTENCING COMMISSION and urge them to make this new AMENDMENT retroactive so all currently incarcerated federal non-violent drug prisoners, including those sentenced for marijuana offenses, have some time shaved off their sentences.

As my sentence ends in 2 months, on July 9, I do not benefit by this proposed amendment.

It would be tremendously appreciated by the over 100,000 non-violent drug war prisoners in US federal prisons if compassionate US citizens would write a brief letter to:

The Office of Public Affairs
U.S. Sentencing Commission
One Columbus Circle, N.E.,
Suite 2-500,
Washington, DC, 20002-8002

Please send a letter similar to or exactly as follows:

Re: Retroactive Application of Drug Amendment 3: Drugs Minus-2

Dear Member of the U.S. Sentencing Commission;

I am writing you as a US citizen in favor of the retroactive application of the recent amendment 3; commonly known as Drugs Minus-2 to the federal drug guidelines. I believe the benefit of this amendment should apply to all of the 100,000+ non-violent drug offenders currently incarcerated in US federal prisons, as well as those newly sentenced after November 1, 2014, when the new guidelines will take effect.

The Commission’s data reflects that public safety was not endangered by the retroactive application of the crack cocaine sentencing amendments. I urge you to make a similar decision in regards this amendment’s application also. Moreover, the federal courts have the institutional capacity and experience following the retroactive crack cocaine amendments to handle an influx of sentence reduction motions from incarcerated defendants.

Please make this Amendment retroactive, without limitation, to all who may currently be incarcerated in US federal prisons who would qualify.


Marc Emery is a Canadian marijuana activist currently imprisoned in the United States for selling marijuana seeds and using the money to fund political activism. Find out more about him at

Source: Cannabis Culture

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