Massachusetts Whooping Cough Outbreak Only Infecting Vaccinated Students

Once again an outbreak of an apparently vaccine-preventable disease is infecting exclusively vaccinated people. 15 out of 15 students infected with whooping cough last month at Falmouth High School in Massachusetts had been vaccinated.

To report this information, CBS News decided to publish a ridiculous article focusing on the growing number of people choosing to not vaccinate their children. CBS spends 8 paragraphs detailing how “Once vaccination rates go down, the likelihood of an outbreak increases”, and then finally admits the truth: “But in this case, a school official tells WBZ that all the students had been immunized.”

Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer who attended the LSU School of Medicine and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina explains how herd immunity is only truly obtainable through natural immunity:

In the original description of herd immunity, the protection to the population at large occurred only if people contracted the infections naturally. The reason for this is that naturally-acquired immunity lasts for a lifetime. The vaccine proponents quickly latched onto this concept and applied it to vaccine-induced immunity. But, there was one major problem – vaccine-induced immunity lasted for only a relatively short period, from 2 to 10 years at most, and then this applies only to humoral immunity. This is why they began, silently, to suggest boosters for most vaccines, even the common childhood infections such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, and rubella.

Then they discovered an even greater problem, the boosters were lasting for only 2 years or less. This is why we are now seeing mandates that youth entering colleges have multiple vaccines, even those which they insisted gave lifelong immunity, such as the MMR. The same is being suggested for full-grown adults. Ironically, no one in the media or medical field is asking what is going on. They just accept that it must be done.


Majority of flu vaccinations don’t work, admits CDC

New Jersey Mumps Outbreak Exclusively Infecting Vaccinated Population; same as in New York & Ohio

Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient

Ohio & New York 2014 Mumps Outbreaks Only Infect Vaccinated Population

Written by Alternative Free Press
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Massachusetts Whooping Cough Outbreak Only Infecting Vaccinated Students by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

15 Falmouth High Students Diagnosed With Whooping Cough
Forced Vaccinations, Government, and the Public Interest