BC Vaccinated elderly Hospitalized and Dying At High Rate


Vaccinated elderly people in British Columbia are being hospitalized at a much higher rate than unvaccinated people. According to this chart from the BCCDC, people over 70 with 2 doses are hospitalized at a rate 80x higher than unvaccinated over 70. (Editor’s note: It seems possible this is an error with ZERO unvaccinated over 70 in hospital, however they have yet to correct it if it is)

The data also shows that boosted individuals make up a whopping 44% of deaths, while only making up 18% of the population. Notably, this is a higher increase than the unvaccinated. While the unvaccinated proportion of death is under double the unvaccinated population, the boosted proportion of death is well over double the boosted population. (Editor’s note: these number have been changing rapidly, this is just a snapshot in time)

Covid Hospitalizations: Age bigger factor than vaccination status


Currently in Ontario, out of 1141 adult hospitalizations:

-76.5% (874/1141 adults) in hospital are over 60 years old. Majority are vaccinated.

-88% (1006/1141 adults) in hospital are over 40 years old. Majority are vaccinated.

-135 people in hospital are between 18-39 years old. About half are vaccinated. (66 vaccinated vs 69 unvaccinated)

-56% (644/1141 adults) of the adults in hospital for COVID are over 70 years old, more than 2/3 are vaccinated.

– 443 vaccinated people over 70 years old in hospital. Includes 369 2-dose and 74 boosted.

-The rate of hospitalization is higher for vaccinated over age 80 than it is for unvaccinated under age 60.

The report from Ontario also confirms that unvaccinated people have a lower risk (0.82x) of catching COVID-19 compared to fully vaccinated people.

sources: https://files.ontario.ca/moh-covid-19-report-en-2022-01-20.pdf


Updated Ontario Data Shows Vaccinated Continue To Be Infected At Higher Rate Than Unvaccinated


A quick glance at https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data/ shows that the rate of infection among vaccinated individuals sits at 69.74 per 100k whereas the unvaccinated rate is 54.77 per 100k.

Here is another screenshot:

We have been reporting this unadjusted data for the past 2 weeks, but mainstream media seems to only be interested in repeating age adjusted numbers in order to keep the established narrative going. The truth is that vaccinated people are catching COVID at a higher rate than unvaccinated people according to Government of Ontario data, just like the unadjusted BC numbers show.

BC Vaccinated COVID-19 Case Rate Explodes Higher Than Unvaccinated


British Columbia has spent the past month not providing recent updates regarding infection rate by vaccination status. We speculated that was because the numbers are similar to Ontario and Quebec where vaccinated people are more likely to get infected. Now BC has released the data and it is exactly as we suspected.

BC numbers show that the rate of infection is higher among 2-dose vaccinated people than unvaccinated. This is the same as Ontario and Quebec, and we are sure Saskatchewan too.

The BC data also shows that booster shots are not preventing infection.

Here is the chart:

Quebec starts hiding infection risk data as they push tax on unvaccinated


Up until this week, Quebec had been proudly displaying their COVID-19 risk of infection, which said unvaccinated were 0.7x as likely to catch COVID as vaccinated people.

However, it appears Quebec is no longer interested in providing any data which might discourage people from vaccinating.

As you can see below, January 7 the data was provided, but January 10 they have swapped out the risk of infection and replaced it with the more scary looking impact on health care system.

Quebec is desperate to blame unvaccinated people because their health care system has failed miserably, with their authoritarian measures accomplishing nothing but an exceptional high mortality rate compared to other provinces.

Western Canadian Provinces not providing covid data as usual

BC continues to not provide updated outcome by vaccination status. Why? We suspect the data is similar to Ontario and Quebec showing vacccinated now more likely to catch COVID. Unvaccinated are 0.7x as likely to catch covid as vaccinated according to Quebec Government.

In Manitoba, the government is no longer releasing daily case counts. Winnipeg Free Press reports that instead of the-long established practice of listing the newest tally of positive cases — as has been the case since March 2020 — the province is now highlighting trends.

Saskatchewan has admitted their cases by vaccination status is data incorrect, as we have previously reported.

Alberta continues to blend unvaccinated with people who recently got their first dose, so no way to know real outcome by vaccinations status.

Quebec should be commended for not hiding their 0.7x risk for unvaccinated people, as it is becoming increasingly clear that provinces such as British Columbia have something to hide.

Study finds COVID vaccines cause more COVID cases & Deaths per million

A study by Kyle A. Beattie entitled Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries ( PDF ) finds that the COVID vaccines cause more COVID cases per million (+38% in US) and more deaths per million associated with COVID (+31% in US).

Here is the abstract:

The statistically significant and overwhelmingly positive causal impact after vaccine deployment on the dependent variables total deaths and total cases per million should be highly worrisome for policy makersThey indicate a marked increase in both COVID-19 related cases and death due directly to a vaccine deployment that was originally sold to the public as the “key to gain back our freedoms.” The effect of vaccines on total cases per million and its low positive association with total vaccinations per hundred signifies a limited impact of vaccines on lowering COVID-19 associated cases. 

These results should encourage local policy makers to make policy decisions based on data, not narrative, and based on local conditions, not global or national mandates. These results should also encourage policy makers to begin looking for other avenues out of the pandemic aside from mass vaccination campaigns.

source : https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/new-big-data-study-of-145-countries?r=u75lc

Saskatchewan gov says Unvaccinated not significant Number of New Cases


Saskatchewan has admitted that the data they have been providing regarding vaccination status of COVID-19 positive cases is inaccurate.

Hidden at the bottom of the cases page on http://dashboard.Saskatchewan.ca is a message which reads:

Since January 1, the New Cases by Vaccination Status data export has shown a significant number of new cases as unvaccinated. This data is not accurate. This data is being reviewed, please disregard this data at this time.

It is actually printed twice in slightly differing language:

It will be interesting to see how many other provinces have such errors… still waiting for BC to disclose everything they have been hiding for weeks.
